Preparation for the Inburgeringsexamen

We practice reading, writing, listening and speaking so you will be able to pass the exam. Also we prepare for KNM (Knowlegde of Dutch Society) and ONA (Orientation on working in the Netherlands). We use for instance De Opmaat and Van Start.

Preparation for Staatsexamen I of II

We use books as De Sprong and De Finale to increase your level and we will help you to prepare for the actual exam.

Higher level than Staatsexamen II

Did you pass Staatsexamen II and do you still want to improve your Dutch, then you can follow these lessons. We use the book Nederlands naar Perfectie.


For some people the pronunciation of the Dutch language is a problem. We will practice to improve your pronunciation. Also we practice with the intonation in words and sentences. We use books as Uitspraaktrainer in de les en Taaltempo. These lessons are possible at every level.

Professional language

In these lessons you learn the professional language of your discipline, for instance the medical sector. Also how to participate in a meeting, taking minutes, writing work notes, conducting performance reviews. We use for instance De taal van de verpleging and Nederlands op de werkvloer.

Speaking only, writing only

You can follow lessons just for speaking, or just for writing. These lessons are suited for every level. We use existing methods and our own material.

Customized trainings

If you have specific wishes (e.g. writing a paper, practice a job interview) please contact us by this form . We will gladfully provide a special training for you.

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